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Our Campaigns Area

Help to raise valuable donations for Kids

$2,445 Raised $18,000 Goal
14% Donation Collected
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Donation Total: $100

A New Album by Rebecca: Help poor people

$3,225 Raised $50,000 Goal
6% Donation Collected
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Donation Total: $200

South African Pre Primary School Build

$394 Raised $32,000 Goal
1% Donation Collected
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Donation Total: $200

Our Donation Is Hope For Poor Childrens

$4,410 Raised $12,000 Goal
37% Donation Collected
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Donation Total: $100

Charitable donations a Human Services

$500 Raised $24,000 Goal
2% Donation Collected
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Donation Total: $100

Help to raise valuable donations for Women

$925 Raised $50,000 Goal
2% Donation Collected
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

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Donation Total: $200

Lets Change The

World With Humanity

Delivering help and hope to children


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